It takes a seasoned observer about 5 seconds to analyze what instruction has taken place in a classroom. Here are some things they may notice or look for in a class:
Portfolio | Box with student portfolios with student work, data , etc. | Box for EL students with student work, data , etc. |
Common Core Standard | ELA standard | ELD standard |
Bulletin Boards w/correlating standards posted, recent date, authentic writing (not worksheets | ELA/Social Studies/Math Science with Writing embedded | ELD board with correlating ELA/ELD standard |
Word Walls (reource for students) | Every core subject areaWord banks, Word Webs , sentence stems and frames | |
Evidence of authentic Writing Process | Folders, bulletin boards, graphic organizers, note taking | |
Objective | ELA Standard | ELD skill (reading, writing, listening, speaking) |
Outcomes | What activity will the student be required to do at the of lesson. (THE PRODUCT) | |
Disussion | Lots of student discussion supported with frames , using complete sentences | |
Stems/Frames | ELA/ELD discussion, writing including evidence citation.. | |
Student talk vs. teacher talk | 10 and 2 — Teacher talk for no more than 10 minutes at a time | |
Student engagement | Active participation most of the time | |
Collaboration | Students often (pairs, triads, groups) | |
Checking for understanding | Teacher is checking the understanding, of students, using various methods, to determine his/her next teaching move. | |
Comprehension Support | Key points of story, process or steps listed on the board for student referral. Usage of graphic organizers, explanations, | |
Differentiating instruction | After determining who can move forward or not teacher reteaches and/or extends learning for selected students. |
Evidence of instruction means that anyone can walk into to your room and the environment and interaction tell the story of the instruction that has taken place.